An Interactive Cognitive System for Children
Patent File No: 202111019894 Dated: 30-04-2021
The invention relates to an AI enabled toy concept which uses NLP for child education with entertainment through a DIY Kit.
The Discovery
YugasaBot’s invention provides a system and a method for Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP) enabled intelligent toy in the form of a DIY kit for child education and entertainment. The intelligent toy is configured through an app. A child/parent registers and creates an account in the mobile app. After creating the account, the child/parent can provide learning material to the intelligent toy. The learning material is provided through typing text input or voice or taking a picture of a story text from books. The intelligent toy has basic learning and knowledge within the kit and children/parent will have an option to add more knowledge in toy’s learning through the app. Parents are able to see the chat log between the intelligent toy and the child through a Communication tab and improve toy’s intelligence by monitoring its fallbacks. This invention also aims to address some major problems around children for example child abusing, mates bullying, sexual harassment etc.

The invention relates to an AI enabled toy concept which uses NLP for child education with entertainment through a DIY Kit.
The Discovery
YugasaBot’s invention provides a system and a method for Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP) enabled intelligent toy in the form of a DIY kit for child education and entertainment. The intelligent toy is configured through an app. A child/parent registers and creates an account in the mobile app. After creating the account, the child/parent can provide learning material to the intelligent toy. The learning material is provided through typing text input or voice or taking a picture of a story text from books. The intelligent toy has basic learning and knowledge within the kit and children/parent will have an option to add more knowledge in toy’s learning through the app. Parents are able to see the chat log between the intelligent toy and the child through a Communication tab and improve toy’s intelligence by monitoring its fallbacks. This invention also aims to address some major problems around children for example child abusing, mates bullying, sexual harassment etc.
Use of Chatbots for Online Advertising and Lead Generation
The invention relates to a method for proving AI enabled lead generation platform through Digital Marketing during a chat with a chatbot.
The Discovery
1. Enables a business to register to a bot platform for implementing a chat bot on his website, Mobile app, WhatsApp, Facebook page and others called digital touchpoints.
2. Provides an AI enabled chat bot windows to the registered business account and displays an advertisement on the chat bot window after receiving a consent from the business owner.
3. Collects information from each of the registered business about ‘My Business Sphere’ which includes information about all those businesses which have similar clients as that of the registered business but are not working as a competitor to the registered business.
4. Enables the registered businesses to advertise their brands on chatbot windows of other businesses through bidding.
5. Displayed a business ad on other related chat windows on the basis of the bidding and the spend of an advertiser.
6. Provides all statistical data to the registered business sch as how many ad impressions have they received through their such campaign and how many conversions have happened.
7. Enables the advertisers to draft an ‘Ad Message’ which shall show as an ad on others’ chat windows. This ‘Ad Message’ includes limited characters and have a radio button whether the visitor wants the advertiser to contact him or not. To be shown after the visitor is done with the chat on the chat window.
8. Dynamically analyzes the conversation between user and chatbot and based on displaying an business ad which belong to ‘My Business Sphere’