The judge stated No AI machine will get U.S. Patent except humans

The judge stated No AI machine will get U.S. Patent except humans

AI machine U.S. Patent: The matter of discussion is started on the issue that the invention occurred by the Artificial Intelligence using the computer can not be listed as an inventor on any of the patents because under the law of U.S. that states only human can be an inventor.

The very first American decision was taken by a federal judge who ruled with his decision on the issue which is the part of the global debate and that too is how to handle or denote the computer or Artificial Intelligence created innovation.

AI machine U.S. Patent, According to federal law, the individual is required to take an oath which stated that he or she is the inventor of the innovation on the patent application and on the both legal and dictionary definition of an individual is a human who is a living being from the natural process, this rule is amended by the U.S. District Judge whose name is Leonie Brinkema in Alexandria, Virginia.

The Artificial Inventor Project which is run by the law professor Ryan Abbott at the University of Surrey has done a great effort for getting the computer listed in the inventor’s list and get a patent done on the name of AI and too at the global level.

The team of Ryan Abbott’s has enlisted Imagination Engines Inc. and asked its founder Stephen Thaler to develop the machine whose main perspective is to invent things or came up with an ideology.

The government of South Africa and Australia has taken their decision in the favor of Ryan Abbott and the Australian patent office is requesting their country and its government to make a decision based on their appeal.

AI machine U.S. Patent, Ryan Abbott in an email stated that their team is respectfully disagreeing with the judgment of the U.S. and they are planning to appeal against it and they also believe that listing an AI is the patent or inventors list is fulfilling both the language and purpose of the Patent Act.

AI uses machines for performing steps which at the same time mimics the work which is done by the human mind but at very high lighting speed which gives a surety to transform everything from drugs innovation to autonomous cars.

Read More: 5 Indian startups which are based on Artificial Intelligence that has to look after by India

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