Microsoft Teams BOTS, and what do they do?

What are Microsoft Teams BOTS, and what do they do?

Microsoft Teams BOTS: Have you ever thought, 

“I wish I could ask a question and receive a response right away?” 

“Can someone or something do all of these routine, planned duties behind the scenes to save me time?” 

You’re not alone, to be sure. 

Microsoft Teams provides this option, thanks to Microsoft. 

These small BOTS (Robots) are your assistants, helping you remain connected, communicate effortlessly, work productively, and keep on top of your chores. 

What exactly are bots? Bots are a new feature/functionality in Microsoft Teams that allows you to connect with and acquire information via text, search, and chat. 

They are, among other things, an artificial intelligence kind of team member/automated programme that can execute basic and repetitive activities that would take a person a long time to complete. 

Types of Bots

Types of Bots

There are many different types of bots that you may add to your squad.

● You may utilize those that are free and accessible to you. 

● Those that you can acquire at the store 

● You can make them yourself using Azure Framework if you’re a budding developer. 

You may choose from various bots in the marketplace to assist you with your duties and requirements according to your and your team’s demands. 

It’s straightforward and basic to install and configure Bots after picking the ones you want to utilize. 

Microsoft made all of this possible with only a few mouse clicks.

Recommended Bots 

● T-Bot 

T Bot

This bot is Microsoft Teams’ resident bot, and it’s convenient for figuring out how to get things done and what’s feasible with Teams. 

T-Bot may be found by putting it into the search bar and then pinning it to your conversation. 

The T-Bot is always learning, and the more you use it, the better it becomes at answering your questions in the long run. 

However, this bot is no longer available and has been replaced by Teams assistance. 

By choosing Help, you may view videos on How-Tos and learn about the latest updates that have been introduced. 

● Remember This 

This is a great reminder/assistant bot. 

We may overlook follow-up activities when communication threads develop, and new conversations drive old ones off the screen. 

Conversations may be held up by actions that aren’t instantaneous or waiting for a response. 

It might be time-consuming and inconvenient to scroll up or search for this chat. 

You may establish a reminder for a future date/time by simply adding @RememberThis to a discussion. 

remember this will serve as a reminder, allowing you to keep on top of all your tasks. 

● Who 

Bot is a Search Engine

Who Bot is a search engine that allows you to ask a simple query to find anything or anybody you’re searching for. 

It would help if you often located a subject matter expert (SME) in your organization or a colleague.

whose name you’ve heard but want to learn more about. 

Who-Bot is a fast reference for team members you require, including their contact information. 

● Polly 

Polly is a native survey tool

Polly is a native survey tool that is easy to use. 

Using this bot, you can run and analyze polls and surveys in Microsoft Teams.

You may quickly poll your team on topics like “Should we have the sprint stand up on Monday at 10 am or 11 am?” 

Let’s look at how simple it is to add a bot to your team. 

Bots may be added to your teams in the following ways: 

Bots may be added to your teams in the following ways

● STEP 1: 

Navigate to the Teams where you want the bot to be added. Select Manage Team from the three dots next to the Team. 

From the drop-down option, choose the Apps tab. Choose a bot from the list or use the search bar to find one. 

● Step 2: 

Let’s choose the Calendar Bot as our example. 

You’ll see that “Teams” is selected automatically (the teams from where you added the bot). 

To add the bot to the Team, click install. 

● Step 3: 

Choose the channels where the bot will be installed. You get 2 alternatives Tab & Bot.

● Set up Bot  

You may now communicate with the bot and discover the answers in the discussion tab.

● Set up a Tab 

This feature pins content and services to the channel’s top for quick access. 

You can also add this to the dialogue tab to alert the rest of the team of adding a new bot to the Tabs. 

● Step 4: 

Get started with the Bot and have fun! 

FAQ List 

1. Is there a chatbot in Microsoft Teams? 

Add your bot to the Microsoft Teams app store’s Built for your org > Built by your colleagues’ area to share it. 

The bot will only be visible to shared users. 

Only shared users have access to the Microsoft Teams app store’s Built by your colleagues’ area, where they may locate and install the bot. 

2. In Microsoft Teams, what is a bot? 

Apps with a conversational interface are known as bots. 

Text, interactive cards, and voice are all options for interacting with a bot. 

3. Is it possible to have a private conversation on Microsoft Teams?

In the Chat area, click the button to start a new discussion to send a private message. 

Enter the person’s name (or persons) with whom you wish to talk, create your message, and then hit Enter to send it. 

Read More: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Python Chatbot

About Shobhit Srivastava

Technology Head at Yugasa Software Labs
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